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Monday, March 2, 2009

Science Center and the Zoo

Thursday Kaitlynn and I met the Yahoo Moms Group and Mommy and Toddler Playgroup at the Science Center. We met Tara, Bailey, Julie, Kaylee, Jaden and her 2 girls. We walked around the lower level of the Science Center, then went to the 1st floor for the girls to play. We ate lunch there and then decided to head over to the Zoo. It was kind of a silly idea for Kaitlynn and me to go because we couldn't stay long since Hasnain was coming over. It's hard for me to pass up a trip to the Zoo, especially since we were already in Forest Park and it was a decent day out. So we went and instead of only staying for 15 or so minutes, we stayed for about 30 minutes.
As we were rushing to get back to the car, I just had to snap some photos of my girl. She had her Birthday Girl shirt on that Emily and Ella got her. I figure she could wear the shirt during her birthday week, not just on her birthday.

I called Maryam to let her know that we were running late. They were waiting at the house when we got home. Kaitlynn fell asleep on the way home, so I was able to spend time with Hasnain one on one. Hasnain fell asleep and a little while later Kaitlynn woke up. She didn't even know he was over until about an hour later when he woke up.

Dave came home around 5PM because he was taking Kaitlynn to an activity at the Early Childhood Center, Just Me and My Dad. They left before Maryam came to pick up Hasnain. Maryam and her husband actually came to pick him up. I was looking forward to spending an hour by myself (after Hasnain was picked up and before I had to leave for an appointment), but I ended up only having a half an hour to myself. I spent that time eating dinner and getting ready to go to the Early Childhood Center. I attended a Stay At Home Moms and Dads group.

There were 5 other moms and 1 dad at the group. It was ran by 3 P.A.T. educators. We all exchanged information so we can get together for a playdate. I designated myself as the one to make contact with the group first. They have this group a few times a year. I wish I would have attended last year, but am glad that I attended this year.

When I got home, Dave had Kaitlynn asleep, which was nice, even though she didn't get a bath. She was too tired from the day. Dave said they had a good time at Just Me and My Dad. Kaitlynn painted a picture and Dave hung it on the refrigerator.

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