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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Zoo Playdate

Thursday the 23rd, Kaitlynn and I met the CBW Playgroup at the Zoo. Eight moms and their babies came. The Zoo was packed. Every school seemed to decide it was a perfect field trip day. We saw the prairie dogs, big cats, zebras, giraffes, apes and gorillas.
Then we rode the carousel. Kaitlynn said she wanted to ride on a tiger, but when it was time to choose an animal to ride, she chose the bench. She feels more comfortable on the bench.
The group started breaking up after that because it was lunch time and some of the babies were ready for naps. We saw the bears and penguins, then went to get some poppy (popcorn) for Kaitlynn and headed out.
Kaitlynn and I took my mom to the dentist. I watched Elliott while she was in the appointment.

My mom watched Kaitlynn that evening for Dave and me. Kaitlynn has so much fun at my mom's.


Tess @ Six Feet Under Blog said...

I love going to the zoo! Stopping by to say "hi"!

Carolee Hollenback said...

The zoo is the best!

Glad you had a good time!