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Friday, May 8, 2009

Last Week in April

Monday, April 27th, I watched Olivia. Kaitlynn, Olivia and I went to the ECC for Playground Pizzazz. The activity was held indoors because of the rain. Kaitlynn's friend Bailey was also there. The older kids were in the gym. It got a little rambunctious in the gym, so we went upstairs into one of the rooms (where the younger kids were).

After the activity, we went to preschool to pick my mom up, then went to a Christian bookstore and back to my house to wait for Olivia's mom. After Meghan came, we went to dinner and to my mom's. Kaitlynn looks forward to seeing Sassy so much. She asks about Sassy and MawMaw every day.

Tuesday the 28th, I watched Olivia. We missed the CBW playdate.

Wednesday the 29th, Kaitlynn and I attended Motor Developers class. The theme was farm. We stayed and hung out with Eileen, Gabe, Tara and Bailey. The kids mainly played at the train tables.

Kaitlynn and I went to my mom's. My mom watched Kaitlynn so that I could attend an Avon meeting. The meeting was about President's Club and Leadership.

Thursday the 30th, I watched Olivia. Bethany and her 2 boys, Jaden and Leto, came over because I am going to start watching her boys (every once in awhile). I met Bethany from the CBW Playgroup. They weren't able to stay long because they were preparing for a move and I had to get Kaitlynn and Olivia to my mom's. My mom watched the girls for a few hours for me.

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